Karellen logo of an orange penguin
framtið leikskólakerfa
Karellen Logo

Persónuverndarstefna – English Version

Icelandic Version: Persónuverndarstefna

InfoMentor ehf. is the owner and manages Karellen software, which is a comprehensive information and learning system for preschools. InfoMentor ehf. also operates the software system InfoMentor as an information system for schools and other educational institutions. The company’s customers number around 1,350. InfoMentor ehf. provide various consultancy and services and runs independent websites.

The core of the Karellen system is to facilitate the flow of information between home and school as well as the maintenance of student registration and other information. The system was designed in consultation with a large group of kindergarten staff, where the needs of kindergartens in modern society were established.

InfoMentor ehf. is the processor of the information that is processed within the Karellen system. A processor is a person who processes personal data on behalf of a responsible party according to a processing contract. The responsible party is the person who determines the purpose and methods of processing personal data and is primarily responsible for ensuring that all processing is in accordance with the principles of personal protection and that the processing is based on legitimate sources.

The kindergartens that use the Karellen system are responsible for the processing of personal information in the system. InfoMentor ehf. is the responsible party for the processing of personal information registered for services, sales and marketing on behalf of the company, such as for the Karellen system.

With this privacy policy, InfoMentor ehf. present their basic privacy policy and provide information about the processing of personal information in the Karellen system, including what information is collected and why, about the company’s security measures, the rights of individuals and how to contact the company’s privacy representative.

InfoMentor ehf. is concerned about personal protection and it is the company’s goal that all processing of personal information, whether InfoMentor ehf. is considered a processor or responsible party, is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations on personal protection and high-quality processing practices.

The company emphasizes that:

  • The design, development and innovation of software takes the requirements for personal protection into account.
  • With the processing of personal information by InfoMentor ehf. all the necessary organizational and technical measures required by applicable laws and regulations are taken.
  • Processing carried out for the benefit of the responsible party is based on a valid processing contract.
  • The Karellen information system makes it easier for users to meet the requirements for personal protection and that the processing offered by the system is in accordance with the legal authorizations for processing.
  • Offer Karellen system customers support, education and advice regarding privacy.
  • It is ensured that the strictest security measures are observed and revised at regular intervals.
  • Can, as the responsible party, fulfil the requirements for the rights of individuals according to the applicable laws and in the cases that InfoMentor ehf. is a processor to be able to assist the responsible party in fulfilling its obligations according to the rights of individuals.

Responsibility, confidentiality and respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals and privacy is the guiding principle of InfoMentor ehf. in all processing of personal data.

InfoMentor ehf. is the processor of the Karellen kindergarten system and all processing of personal information in the system is carried out in the interest of the responsible party according to the processing agreement. InfoMentor ehf. is in charge of development, operation and service of the Karellen system.

InfoMentor ehf. does not enter any personal information into the Karellen system either about students, relatives or staff and does not collect any information from the Karellen system for its own benefit.

The responsible parties for the Karellen system are the operators of kindergartens throughout the country. In the Karellen system, it is possible to register and keep track of various basic information about students and their relatives, such as name, address and phone number, and various information related to students’ studies and schooling. You can also enter the necessary information about staff in the system. Responsible parties (school staff) enter personal information into the Karellen system and are responsible for the information entered there. The responsible party must ensure that registrations are objective, fair, transparent and in accordance with high-quality processing methods and legislation on personal protection. Kindergarten administrators manage who has access to the Karellen system. All decisions regarding registration, retention, copying, sending and deletion of data about students, relatives and staff are with the school institutions themselves.

InfoMentor ehf. does not share any information from the Karellen system unless there is a request from the responsible party or there is a clear legal authorization, cf. egg Article 5 Act on Statistics Iceland no. 163/2007.

Deletion of data in the Karellen system is only carried out at the request of the controller. The responsible party must, when there are no longer objective reasons for the retention of data in the system, notify InfoMentor ehf. any electronic data from the software shall be rendered useless or discarded. Special procedures apply to the deletion of data at InfoMentor ehf.

Since InfoMentor ehf. is in charge of operation and service on the Karellen system, it may prove necessary for assistance and repairs for the company’s employees to enter the system for individual users. The company has strict procedures regarding which employees can provide such services and should only work on request. All actions of InfoMentor ehf. are traceable. All employees of the company are also bound by confidentiality regarding all information they get access to. See also section 5 on safety precautions.

InfoMentor ehf. is responsible for the processing of general personal information that the company collects and records in connection with services and advice to customers of the Karellen system.

Contact information for the responsible party

Responsible parties (preschools) send InfoMentor ehf. regular contact information for the Karellen system’s support team. It states the name and email address of the contact person. InfoMentor ehf. records this information to be able to send contacts via e-mail specific information, instructions and other material related to the Karellen system. The responsible party notifies if there are changes to contacts, and the name and email address of former contacts are then deleted at InfoMentor ehf.

Service and advice for users of the Karellen system

When a user of the Karellen system searches for service and advice by e-mail or by phone, the service requests are registered to the user. This is done so that it is possible to contact the person concerned about the matter and to have an overview of service to users and customers. This personal information is stored in a locked and access-controlled service system. Otherwise, requests are not recorded in a personally identifiable manner.

When applicable, the following personal information is recorded:

  • Name
  • Username (identification number)
  • Job title
  • School
  • email
  • Phone number

InfoMentor ehf. does not transmit any personal information to third parties that the company registers for service to users of the Karellen system. If a request is made, it is possible to delete the information from the service system. See chapter 5 on safety measures for details.

InfoMentor ehf. is responsible for the processing of general personal information that the company collects and records in connection with various types of services, sales and marketing. This may include registration on a mailing list related to the introduction of the Karellen preschool system, registration to a course or general presentation of the company’s activities.

The purpose of collecting this personal information is to enable InfoMentor ehf. able to communicate with and be able to service customers. Also to be able to communicate information to interested parties about updates and innovations and market the company and its activities.

The processing of personal data for this purpose is either based on an assessment of the company’s legitimate interests, the need to fulfil a contract with a customer or the consent of the person registered.

The following personal information is recorded when applicable:

  • Name, email address, job title and school institution of a person who is interested in being on InfoMentor ehf’s mailing list. connected to the Karellen system.
  • Name and email address of a person who is interested in introducing the Karellen system.
  • Name, email address, initials and school institution of a person who registers for a course/conference or other event related to the Karellen system or InfoMentor ehf.

All personal information that InfoMentor ehf. collections are preserved in a locked and access-controlled service system or in a closed electronic storage area. See chapter 5 on safety measures for details.

Individuals registered on the mailing list at InfoMentor ehf. can at any time send a request to unsubscribe. The request must be sent from the mailing list to the email address info@infomentor.is All personal information about the person concerned will then be deleted from the system.

InfoMentor ehf. does not share any personal information with third parties registered by the company for sales, service or marketing purposes.

Cookies are used on the website www.karellen.is, but they do not collect any personal information about users. Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to the hard drive of users’ computers and can be read by a particular browser. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. You can change the security settings of internet browsers so that they do not accept cookies.

InfoMentor ehf. regardless of whether the company is considered a responsible party or a processing party, it places great emphasis on all processing of personal data in such a way that appropriate security is guaranteed.

InfoMentor ehf. operates according to the requirements set out in the ISO-27001 and ISO-9001 standards for information security. All security measures taken consider the nature of the data and the risks involved in processing it at any given time. The company has a written security policy and carries out a risk assessment of all processing with personal data. Inspection and assessment of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of processing is carried out regularly and is managed by the operations manager of InfoMentors ehf. that practice.

The security team of InfoMentor ehf. consists of employees at each of the company’s locations. The team monitors the implementation and development of security measures and meets weekly to review the issues at hand.

All information concerning the users of InfoMentor ehf. are handled with utmost care to ensure that they are not lost or fall into the hands of unauthorized parties.

5.1. Access of InfoMentor ehf. to information

Employees’ access rights to the Karellen system are based on their role and field of work within the company.

Information about the users of the Karellen system is access controlled and the employee should only search for the information they need in their work. They must be able to justify that search if requested. Built into the Karellen system is that all employee actions are transparent and recorded.

Access permissions and monitoring of employees is in accordance with the procedures of InfoMentor ehf. on information security. Managers in each area of ​​InfoMentor ehf regularly review the access of their employees. InfoMentor’s operations manager supervises that employees’ access to information is in accordance with the tasks that the relevant employee or work unit within the company is carrying out.

If an employee resigns, all access is blocked immediately.

5.2. Employee confidentiality and confidentiality

All employees of InfoMentor ehf. sign a confidentiality statement stipulating confidentiality. An employee must maintain the utmost confidentiality about anything he or she must do in his or her job regarding the company, customers and users of the system. Employees must carry out this duty responsibly to prevent possible damage to the interests of those registered in the Karellen system. The duty of confidentiality remains after the employee has left the job.

5.3. Response to security breaches

InfoMentor ehf., regardless of whether the company is considered a responsible party or a processing party, emphasizes clear procedures for reactions in the event of a breach of security during the processing of personal information.

InfoMentor ehf. as a processor will notify the responsible party, the principal and the contact person, without undue delay and according to the instructions in the processing contracts, in the event of a security breach. The responsible party must then notify the Personal Protection Agency and the registered person of the breach, as the case may be, in accordance with the current personal protection legislation. InfoMentor ehf. assists the responsible party as needed for this. InfoMentor ehf. registers the breach in the company’s register of security breaches in the handling of personal information.

InfoMentor ehf. as the responsible party will report a security breach to Personal Protection in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Protection Act. The impact of the security breach and the risk to the rights and freedoms of the individuals concerned will be assessed, and if it is likely that the security breach will result in a high risk, the registered persons will be notified of the breach and the measures that will be taken. InfoMentor ehf. records and analyses the security breach, its impact and what remedial action is required.

InfoMentor ehf. as a processor emphasizes that the Karellen system is developed with the rights of registered persons in mind and that the system has functions that can make it easier for customers who are responsible parties to fulfil their obligations towards those registered in the system. Individuals cannot apply directly to InfoMentor ehf. due to personal information registered in the Karellen system, where the registration is the responsibility of the schools. In such cases, it is necessary to approach the relevant kindergarten with such a request. InfoMentor ehf. will endeavour to assist educational institutions in fulfilling their obligations under the rights of the registered.

As the responsible party, InfoMentor ehf. focus on ensuring all the rights that registered persons have according to the current personal protection laws.

All those who InfoMentor ehf. registers personal information about has the right to know what personal information is registered about the person at the company. In this privacy policy, it has been explained what information is collected by InfoMentor ehf. and for what purpose. Those whose information is recorded also have, upon request, the right to access personal information, the right to have information corrected, limit processing and delete information. If a registered person wishes to exercise this right, requests must be sent to the privacy officer of InfoMentor ehf. ( dpo@infomentor.is ).

When the processing of personal data is based on consent, data subjects can withdraw their consent at any time.

If a registered person believes that the processing of personal information by InfoMentor ehf. if it is not in accordance with current legislation and high-quality processing methods, you can send comments to the privacy officer ( dpo@infomentor.is ).

Everyone also has the right to apply to the Personal Protection Agency if they believe that their right to personal protection has been violated. Information about complaints to the Personal Protection Agency can be found on the Personal Protection Agency’s website https://www.personuvernd.is/fyrspurnir

All decisions regarding the processing of personal information at InfoMentor ehf. are taken by the company’s key management and board of directors with the assistance and under the supervision of the company’s privacy officer.

Please note that this policy will be reviewed regularly and may change as necessary and with the aim of reflecting the activities of InfoMentor ehf. and handling of personal data by the company at all times.

If you have comments or requests for more information regarding the processing of personal information at InfoMentor ehf. then you are welcome to contact the company’s personal representative on phone 520-5310 or via the email address dpo@infomentor.is
